Friday, July 17, 2009

Listing all files added to your website

If you want to upgrade your Zen Cart based website but have too many proprietary files you may want to consider downloading a list of file names you will need to move to the new platform. Here is a simple script that will compare the backup copy of your current website with the original install. Before you run the script make sure you have:
1) A fresh backup copy of your website in a local folder (e.g.: c:\temp\backup);
2) The original version of Zen Cart that is powering your website in another folder (e.g.: c:\temp\zencart).

You can copy the following script, paste in a new document, save as a php file and run from a web server. Just make sure to rename the path to the backup and original if diferent than those listed in the script.

$backup = "c:\\temp\\backup"; //path to the lattest backup of the website $original = "C:\\temp\\zencart"; //path to the original version of zen cart $v=""; //will pass $backup to function $o=""; //will pass $original to function
$t=$_POST['ftype']; //will pass the desired filetype (from dropdown) to function $s=strlen($_POST['ftype']); //will pass the length of the string for the desired file type to function $l=strlen($backup)+1;
function compareSites($v,$o,$t,$s,$l){
$item = array_diff(scandir($v), Array( ".", ".." )); //generates an array with all elements of the current directory except dot and double-dot foreach( $item as $i ){ //loops through each element of the array if( is_dir($v."\\".$i) ){ //if the element is a directory (not a file) if($i!="images" and $i!="CVS"){ //if the directory is not the images directory if(!file_exists($o."\\".$i)){
echo "<strong>[".substr($v."\\".$i,$l)."]</strong><br>\n";
compareSites( $v."\\".$i,$o."\\".$i,$t,$s,$l); //run the function against that directory
}else{ //the current element is a file $ft=strtoupper(substr($i,-$s,$s)); //$ft receives filetype from file at backup site if($ft==$t or $t=="ALL"){ //compares $ft with $t which holds the filetype requested (e.g.: .txt) if(!file_exists($o."\\".$i)){ echo substr($v."\\".$i,$l)."<br>\n"; } //if the file does not exist in original install of zen cart display file with path
} //end function
<div style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:14px; margin:10px;">Select the file type you want to compare to get a list of files from your website's backup copy that are not available in the original install of the shopping cart:
<form name="frmCompare" id="frmCompare" action="index.php" method="post">
<select name="ftype">
<option value=".PHP">php</option>
<option value=".HTM">htm</option>
<option value=".HTML">html</option>
<option value=".JS">js</option>
<option value=".JPG">jpg</option>
<option value=".GIF">gif</option>
<option value=".PNG">png</option>
<option value=".TXT">txt</option>
<option value="ALL">ALL: Files and Folders</option>
<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" id="btnSubmit" value="Check"


  1. Yoda, Can you help me with a zen cart customization project? Imminent request!! please contact me.

  2. A very useful blog on Zen Cart.. I will follow you suggestions and I think this is going to help me out as I am working on my Ecommerce website. Thanks for sharing the useful information with us. Ecommerce website developer
